gxAudioCard | Writes audio data to a sound card |
gxAudioClockConnector | Connects the clock source to all clock sinks |
gxAudioClockHelper | Helper class to connect filters/soft-synths to the clock source |
gxAudioClockSink | Implement this interface to receive audio clock notifications |
gxAudioClockSource | Implement this interface to generate audio clock notifications |
gxAudioConnector | Connects the audio pins of filters in a graph |
gxAudioDeviceEnumerator | Enumerates audio and midi devices (such as sound cards, midi interfaces etc |
gxAudioFactory | Abstract class factory for audio classes in gxLib |
gxAudioFilter | An audio filter, such as a soft synth or an effect |
gxAudioFilterEnumerator | Enumerates audio and midi filters (such as soft synths etc |
gxAudioFilterVisitor | |
gxAudioGraph | Encapsulates a graph (or network) of audio filters |
gxAudioPin | |
gxAudioXmlGraphWriter | Helper class to write graph info to an XML stream |
gxAudioXmlSystemWriter | Helper class to write system info to an XML stream |
gxAutoPtr< T > | Helper class to ensure that an object is deleted when the helper goes out of scope |
gxMediaControl | |
gxMidiConnector | Connects one group of midi pins within a graph |
gxMidiData | Abstract base class for midi data objects |
gxMidiDataQueue | Abstract base class for midi data queue objects |
gxMidiStatusMap | |
gxMidiTransform | Abstract base class for midi transform objects |
gxPanel | Abstract base class of a graphical user interface (GUI) panel |
gxPath | Represents a file path as a collection of path segments |
gxPlatformHelper | Encapsulates platform-specific utilities, such as threads, synchronization objects etc |
gxProperties | Encapsulates a collection of properties - key/value pairs |
gxQuickLogger | Lightweight logger optimized for high-speed performance analysis |
gxThread | Encapsulates a native thread on the platform |
gxThreadRunnable | Implement this interface if you want to execute code within a different thread, but without subclassing gxThread |
gxThreadSafeObject | Base class for all thread safe objects |
gxThreadSynchronizer | Helper class to ensure that a method is sync'd and then unsync'd when the method or block goes out of scope |
gxXmlAbstractParser | Helper class for implementing an XML parser |
gxXmlAttribute | Stores information about a single XML element attribute during parsing |
gxXmlElement | Stores information about a single XML element during parsing |
gxXmlElementSpec | Specifies the validation rules for an XML element during parsing |
gxXmlTable | Utility class for sending and receiving XML content that has elements similar to an HTML table |
gxXmlTableParser | |